
Youth Parliaments United for Sustainable Development (YPUSD)



To connect and empower youth parliaments across Africa to collaboratively work towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.



The Youth Parliaments United for Sustainable Development (YPUSD) project aims to create a network of youth parliaments across African countries, fostering collaboration, knowledge sharing, and joint action to drive progress on the SDGs. By uniting young leaders, this project will amplify their voices, equip them with the necessary skills and resources, and create a platform for coordinated efforts towards sustainable development.

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Establishing the YPUSD Network

To create a robust network of youth parliaments across Africa for collaboration and collective action.

Mapping and Outreach

Identify and connect existing youth parliaments across African countries.

Network Platform

Develop an online platform for communication, collaboration, and resource sharing among youth parliaments.

Regular Meetings

Organize virtual and in-person meetings to facilitate discussions, planning, and monitoring of progress.

Capacity Building and Training

To equip youth parliamentarians with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively contribute to the achievement of the SDGs.

Training Workshops

Conduct workshops on leadership, advocacy, project management, and SDG-specific topics.

Expert Sessions

Host sessions with experts in various fields related to the SDGs for in-depth knowledge and guidance.

Mentorship Programs

Pair youth parliamentarians with experienced mentors from government, academia, and civil society.

Collaborative SDG Projects

To implement joint projects that address specific SDGs in local communities, leveraging the collective efforts of youth parliaments.

Project Design and Implementation

Develop and execute projects focusing on key SDGs, such as quality education, clean water and sanitation, and climate action.

Resource Mobilization

Facilitate access to funding, resources, and technical support for project implementation.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Establish mechanisms to track the progress and impact of projects, ensuring accountability and continuous improvement.

Advocacy and Awareness Campaigns

To raise awareness about the SDGs and advocate for policies that support sustainable development at the local, national, and continental levels.

Public Campaigns

Launch awareness campaigns to educate communities about the SDGs and the role of youth in achieving them.

Policy Advocacy

Engage with policymakers to influence the adoption and implementation of policies that promote sustainable development.

Youth Representation

Ensure youth representation in national and international forums discussing the SDGs.

Annual YPUSD Summit

To bring together youth parliamentarians from across Africa to share experiences, celebrate achievements, and plan future actions.

Summit Planning

Organize an annual summit with workshops, keynote speeches, and collaborative sessions.

Youth Awards

Recognize outstanding contributions by youth parliaments towards the SDGs with awards and recognition.

Action Plan Development

Develop a collective action plan for the upcoming year, setting clear goals and strategies


Enhanced Collaboration

Strengthened connections between youth parliaments, fostering a culture of cooperation and collective action

Empowered Youth

Youth parliamentarians equipped with the skills, knowledge, and resources to drive sustainable development initiatives.

Progress on SDGs

Tangible progress towards achieving the SDGs through joint projects, advocacy efforts, and policy influence.

Increased Awareness

Greater public awareness and engagement with the SDGs, driven by youth-led campaigns and initiatives.
